Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Gaining control of a crowd

When the little rascals get all wound up, there are some great ways to get their attention that do not include yelling or shushing.

1. Play follow the leader. Teach them the game at the beginning of the day. Whenever you make a pattern of noises by clapping, snapping and stomping, they have to do the same. You don't look like a jerk for screaming and the kids have a fun time trying to copy you.

2. Silence the coyote. This one takes a loud voice and a pinch of courage. Any time it gets too loud in there, yell, "Silence the coyote!" The kids get to howl like a wolf then shush loudly. The end result? Eighty children sitting criss-cross applesauce (Indian Style) looking up at you. This one impresses the parents.

3. My favorite :) With the ones old enough to understand humor, just stare at them. That's honestly all it takes. Just look bored and annoyed when they keep talking. One of the good listeners will usually do the work for you and tell the others to stop talking. The more time you sit there waiting for them to stop talking, the less time they have to play.

Good luck.

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